The defense of new york self defense against a charge of misdemeanor assault in New York
A. The defense of self-defense (the use of non-lethal force) to a charge of misdemeanor assault in New York is complicated and can be very hard to beat new york self defense.
The following are some rules derived primarily from the "non-lethal force" self-defense to the jury in new york self defense which is essential to understand how the car can be used in an assault case. These rules apply primarily to a charge of misdemeanor assault in New York, because they are the rules relating to the use of 'non-lethal' force. "Mortal" Force has different rules and is not discussed york self defense But if an attack is charged as a crime, then it is likely that the injuries were not serious rules and defense regarding the use of non-lethal force would be applicable. Otherwise, if the injuries alleged assault are severe or if you used a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, the prosecutor would have sought or will seek a felony charge of assault or attempted murder new york self defense.
But, as always, the law is very difficult and new york self defense is a very tough defense. There is a fine line between what constitutes self-defense and it is not,new york self defense so that any person accused of assault should discuss "self-defense" with his lawyer. Often, people in New York accused of assault confuse retaliation conduct constituting act of self-defense. In new york self defense, a person may not use physical force against another person when and to the extent that he / she reasonably believes necessary for him / herself or a third of what he / she reasonably believes that defending is the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by such york self defense Injure a person because of the early use of illegal physical force by that person, after the danger has passed - is generally not going to be justified as self-defense
In New York, a person must reasonably believe that physical force is necessary to himself / herself or a third of what he / she reasonably believes that defending the use or threatened use of force by other physical new york self defense
The "reasonable belief" pin requires the application of a two-part test:
1. First, the defendant must have actually believed
the individual was using or about to use physical force against
he / she or a third party, and that the defendant's own use
physical force was necessary for him / herself or defend
the third portion thereof, and
Two. a "reasonable person" in the defendant's position,new york self defense
knowing that the defendant knew and be in the same
circumstances, have the same beliefs.
Interestingly,new york self defense the New York law provides that if the accused was or could have been mistaken in his / her beliefs, no matter, as this belief was both honest and reasonable.
But it is also clear that the "use" Iminent "" and "point of use of the language," noted above, does not allow a theory of self-defense when the threat of physical force and assault happened after is just retaliation behavior new york self defense.
In addition, although the threat of physical force is imminent, according to the New York Law assault the defendant would not be justified to attack someone (using physical force with the intent to cause harm if:new york self defense
1. Defendant was the initial aggressor, except, even if the initial aggressor, the defendant's use of physical force would be justified if he / she had withdrawn from the encounter and effectively communicated his resignation to the other person, but the other person persists in continuing the incident by the use or threat of imminent use of unlawful physical force new york self defense.
Under New York law, the "initial aggressor,new york self defense" the first person who
attack or threat of attack is the first person to use or threat of imminent physical offensive force. Striking the first blow or real
inflict the first wound, however,new york self defense is not necessarily the initial aggressor determined.
A person who reasonably believes that another is about to use physical force on him / her is not necessary to wait until he / she is beaten or injured. He / she may, in this
circumstances,new york self defense be the first to use physical force, provided he / she reasonably believes would be used against him / her or someone else. He / she is not considered
be the "initial aggressor",new york self defense even if he / she hits the first
blow. New York law says that discuss using abusive
language, calling people names,new york self defense accompanied by physical threats or acts, does not make a person a bully and does not guarantee physical initial
forcing the other new york self defense.
The defendant would not be justified if the behavior of the other person was caused by him / herself with the intent to cause physical injury to another respondent.
The defendant is not justified if the physical force involved was the product of a joint fight agreement is not expressly authorized by law new york self defense.
(4) A person may not use physical force to resist an arrest, authorized or not, which is performed or attempted by a police officer or peace officer when he reasonably believes that he is a cop
officer or peace officer.
In short, self-defense to justify an attack is very complicated and should be discussed with a lawyer who understands the complexities and nuances of this region.
A. The defense of self-defense (the use of non-lethal force) to a charge of misdemeanor assault in New York is complicated and can be very hard to beat new york self defense.
The following are some rules derived primarily from the "non-lethal force" self-defense to the jury in new york self defense which is essential to understand how the car can be used in an assault case. These rules apply primarily to a charge of misdemeanor assault in New York, because they are the rules relating to the use of 'non-lethal' force. "Mortal" Force has different rules and is not discussed york self defense But if an attack is charged as a crime, then it is likely that the injuries were not serious rules and defense regarding the use of non-lethal force would be applicable. Otherwise, if the injuries alleged assault are severe or if you used a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, the prosecutor would have sought or will seek a felony charge of assault or attempted murder new york self defense.
But, as always, the law is very difficult and new york self defense is a very tough defense. There is a fine line between what constitutes self-defense and it is not,new york self defense so that any person accused of assault should discuss "self-defense" with his lawyer. Often, people in New York accused of assault confuse retaliation conduct constituting act of self-defense. In new york self defense, a person may not use physical force against another person when and to the extent that he / she reasonably believes necessary for him / herself or a third of what he / she reasonably believes that defending is the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by such york self defense Injure a person because of the early use of illegal physical force by that person, after the danger has passed - is generally not going to be justified as self-defense
In New York, a person must reasonably believe that physical force is necessary to himself / herself or a third of what he / she reasonably believes that defending the use or threatened use of force by other physical new york self defense
The "reasonable belief" pin requires the application of a two-part test:
1. First, the defendant must have actually believed
the individual was using or about to use physical force against
he / she or a third party, and that the defendant's own use
physical force was necessary for him / herself or defend
the third portion thereof, and
Two. a "reasonable person" in the defendant's position,new york self defense
knowing that the defendant knew and be in the same
circumstances, have the same beliefs.
Interestingly,new york self defense the New York law provides that if the accused was or could have been mistaken in his / her beliefs, no matter, as this belief was both honest and reasonable.
But it is also clear that the "use" Iminent "" and "point of use of the language," noted above, does not allow a theory of self-defense when the threat of physical force and assault happened after is just retaliation behavior new york self defense.
In addition, although the threat of physical force is imminent, according to the New York Law assault the defendant would not be justified to attack someone (using physical force with the intent to cause harm if:new york self defense
1. Defendant was the initial aggressor, except, even if the initial aggressor, the defendant's use of physical force would be justified if he / she had withdrawn from the encounter and effectively communicated his resignation to the other person, but the other person persists in continuing the incident by the use or threat of imminent use of unlawful physical force new york self defense.
Under New York law, the "initial aggressor,new york self defense" the first person who
attack or threat of attack is the first person to use or threat of imminent physical offensive force. Striking the first blow or real
inflict the first wound, however,new york self defense is not necessarily the initial aggressor determined.
A person who reasonably believes that another is about to use physical force on him / her is not necessary to wait until he / she is beaten or injured. He / she may, in this
circumstances,new york self defense be the first to use physical force, provided he / she reasonably believes would be used against him / her or someone else. He / she is not considered
be the "initial aggressor",new york self defense even if he / she hits the first
blow. New York law says that discuss using abusive
language, calling people names,new york self defense accompanied by physical threats or acts, does not make a person a bully and does not guarantee physical initial
forcing the other new york self defense.
The defendant would not be justified if the behavior of the other person was caused by him / herself with the intent to cause physical injury to another respondent.
The defendant is not justified if the physical force involved was the product of a joint fight agreement is not expressly authorized by law new york self defense.
(4) A person may not use physical force to resist an arrest, authorized or not, which is performed or attempted by a police officer or peace officer when he reasonably believes that he is a cop
officer or peace officer.
In short, self-defense to justify an attack is very complicated and should be discussed with a lawyer who understands the complexities and nuances of this region.