Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

self defence women

Self defence women and self-protection is a priority for women. The most common crime that happens to a woman is a violation,self defence women but it is more of a sense of control of one person over another, rather than the actual sex self defence techniques for women. According to statistics, the majority of rapes are committed by men who know women self defence techniques for women

Violence against women is a crime because offenders are women assume more passive and not fighting, which has to do with stereotypes about women .self defence techniques for women The best way for women to fight against crime is to prevent this from happening to avoid being alone or being in poorly lit areas. However, getting into this kind of situation is sometimes unavoidable self defence women.

Most rapes occur in the victim's home AM self defence women self defence techniques for women. According to the Bureau of Justice, nearly 40 percent of all rapes occur in the victim's wife self defence women, the brand of the house. In the case of the rape prevention fails, Äîsuch avoid problem areas or ensure that a woman is never alone Äîthe better chance to survive is to fight self defence women. Defending is not only necessary self defence women, but a moral right, because the protection of one of the AM car is of utmost importance self defence techniques for women. The rest of the article will discuss why self defence women is important self defence women, tools and effective self defence women techniques as well as information on the use of weapons.

Why defense issues

self defence women is important because statistics say that all women are good candidates to be victims of violent crime at any time in their lives self defence techniques for women. According to statistics, a woman who was only 21-year risk of 25 percent of violent crime in his life. self defence women is more than good. When the safety of the woman is in dangerself defence women, defends retreat is the most ethical decision self defence techniques for women, it may do so self defence women.

Why women are more at risk

Some women are more at risk of becoming a victim of assault or murder either self defence techniques for women. Although women are subject, the general view is that unnecessary victimization could have been avoided. Even women who take steps necessary to stay alive self defence women, Äîsuch that obtaining a restraining order, skin and prosecution self defence women, Äîstill end up dead. Therefore self defence techniques for women, avoiding violent attack is better than trying to survive one.


In general, there are several crimes that women are most at risk. They rape, car theft, purse snatching, harassment, threats, domestic violence and crimes against children in their protection. For each type of crime self defence women,self defence techniques for women women must realize that Don, AOT must resign and give him or take. Up until the last second that crime does occur, women still generally have the power to make decisions that can profoundly affect the result self defence techniques for women.


Prevention refers to women, ensuring that limit the situations in which they are, which can then lead to serious crimes that occur against them. Here are some suggestions to get a large dog, avoiding dark areas at night,self defence techniques for women and make sure to stay in large groups of people during the move. Prevention is the best common measure. However, women should be aware that prevention is not 100 percent effective,self defence techniques for women and therefore self defence women, if things get worse, then defense is the best and last resort.

Tools and techniques of self defence women:

His brain

Women should always trust their brains to protect themselves,self defence women especially when it comes to training the right attitude-stay alive.self defence techniques for women Use the brain to self defence women is closely linked to prevention self defence women. To use the methods of prevention to reduce the risk of becoming crime statistics, women must use your brain first to arrive at the proper precautions. If prevention fails, then women must rely on their brains anyway to implement the necessary physical actions to protect themselves self defence women self defence techniques for women self protection.

Martial arts and self defence women tactics

While martial arts are effective in building self-esteem and a healthy body, be overstated for self defence women . The reasons for this is that martial arts can be taught wrong, and take a lot of time and effort to truly master. For the most effective self defence women tactics, self defence techniques for womenwomen should consider fighting techniques empty-handed or without weapons, some of which are just for women. This type of strength training is also very effective and ferocious: a good course can teach women who aspire to make their unconscious attacker self defence techniques for women self protection.


Although dogs are good for the defense of their own, should not be considered the only form of self defence women. Women who want to use dogs as a tool of defense must understand that they must first be trained to do, which will cost a considerable sum of money. The benefits of a protection dog are obvious. For example, significant dogs can scare away potential perpetrators and bark excessively noisy, it may even scare potential criminals closed doors.

Bells and whistles

The bells and whistles are not an effective way for women to stop or prevent an attack on them. The reason is that too much is left to chance: self protectionA woman blows a whistle is the game not only hope that someone will hear his whistle,self protection but also come to your rescue. These risks are too great when a woman's life is on the line AM. Furthermore, in the time it takes to actually trigger an alarm or whistle, the course of the attack may be already decided.

Stun Guns and Tasers

A stun gun is not a traditional weapon, but it is a battery-operated device,self protection mobile sends an electric shock to an assailant. Taser sends metal spikes on a distance to join an assailant, which bind to the pocket through the son that are electrified to immobilize an attacker remotely. While these devices are very effective in stopping the attackers dead in their tracks, there may be legal problems to overcome. It is recommended that women who are interested in buying these devices to consult a lawyer,self protection your local police, or even research on legal issues relating to Taser stun guns and themselves to determine whether they can use in life.


When we speak of aerosols in the context of self defence women for women, most often spoken of pepper spray, which is said to be the defense system around more efficient, yes, you can arm your self.self defence women Pepper spray is very effective because it depends not only on the infliction of pain to immobilize an attacker. Pepper spray causes an assailant who was blinded momentarily and bronchi to narrow, causing a bad cough and breathlessness. If women really want to buy pepper spray for self defence women,self protection should buy pepper spray that Scoville between one and two million thermal units, is the most effective self defence women spray.


Firearms are an effective weapon of defense, but women who want to use them are properly trained in its operation, because the use of one without the proper training is ineffective. Learn about the means to be trained in the use of firearms basic and specialized courses that teach women about their use for self defence women.self defence women To decide what type of weapon that works best for her, a woman must go to a club that will provide the opportunity to both handle and shoot several types of weapons.self defence techniques for women In this way, be able to determine what works best for her.

Other tools

Women who want to protect themselves against potential aggressors must consider other tools as an alternative to the most common elements, such as guns or pepper sprays. An alternative is persuasion or kubotan a long cylinder about six inches which is used to strike or simply manipulate pressure points. Knives are another alternative, but that women are effective stab an attacker,self defence women you must allow the attacker and bring you closer to them, which is risky. Brass Knuckles are a poor alternative tool for self defence women because women need a lot of physical strength to successfully hit an attacker. self defence womenIn addition, women may end up hurting their own hands to strike.

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